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Run simple scheduled Lighthouse tests on GitLab CI

1 min read


It's good to monitor your site performance on regular basis. New content like images, tracking pixels and server issues can be problems that affect your site's performance. Lighthouse is a tool which can point out these issues to you.

What is Lighthouse?

Lighthouse is an open-source, automated tool for improving the quality of web pages. You can run it against any web page, public or requiring authentication. It has audits for performance, accessibility, progressive web apps, and more.Lighthouse Website

Getting started

In this tutorial I'll teach you how to run a simple scheduled Lighthouse performance test on your site using GitLab's free CI service.

What is GitLab?

GitLab is a single application for the entire software development lifecycle. From project planning and source code management to CI/CD, monitoring, and security.GitLab About page

GitLab is considered alternative to GitHub.

1. Set up GitLab

Register here.

2. Create new repository

Begin by creating new project pressing the New Project button on your GitLab root page

Create new GitLab project

Give your project a name

GitLab project name For example name your project like this: lighthouse-{your site}.

Finnish creating your project by pressing the Create project button. Pressing the button takes you to the next step.

3. Create .gitlab-ci.yml file

To add script where all the magic happens and click the New file button

Fresh GitLab project page

The file

GitLab CI config

Copy the content of the file below and copy it into GitLab's file editor

Remember to replace {TEST Url} with the URL of the page you wished to be tested.

1image: markhobson/node-chrome
4 variables:
6 stage: deploy
7 environment: Production
8 only:
9 - master
10 before_script:
11 # Install Lighthouse
12 - npm i -g lighthouse
13 script:
14 # Run Lighthouse test
15 - lighthouse --chrome-flags="--headless --no-sandbox" $LIGHTHOUSE_TEST_URL --output html --output-path ./report.html
16 artifacts:
17 paths:
18 - ./report.html
19 expire_in: 1 week

Click Commit changes to finish creating the file.

4. Test your job

After committing the changes the test should start right away.

Go to CI / CD -> Jobs on the sidebar to see your test running.

GitLab CI jobs list

5. Schedule tests

To Schedule tests go to CI / CD -> Schedules and press Create schedule button

GitLab CI create new schedule

Set up schedule

Give your test a name and a schedule using Cron. More about Cron here. GitLab CI schedule a new pipeline Press Save pipeline schedule to finish your schedule.

Schedule is ready

GitLab CI active pipeline schedule

6. Review your results

All your tests appear at CI / CD -> Jobs

GitLab CI passed pipeline To download and view your Lighthouse reports click the cloud icon on the right.